The Career Development Journey

Watch this overview of the six areas of career development.

Career Development Journey

Career Road Map



更多地了解自己的优势和能力可以帮助你找到与你最好的自己相一致的职业道路. 正式的职业评估可以增强你对自己工作兴趣的认识, work values, work and career readiness skills, personality, leisure interests and career planning readiness.

Focus 2 Career is an online, self-guided, 评估服务,提供有效和可靠的评估,包括荷兰代码(工作兴趣) & and MBTI types (personality). Each assessment takes about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. 你可以结合你的评估结果,探索适合你的职业选择和学术专业. 提供的职业选择仅限于标准职业分类系统定义的大约867个详细职业.

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Additional Self-assessment Support

职业顾问会在以下教学视频中指导你完成Focus 2 Career的各个部分:

Additional career services videos include:

了解更多的可能性可以帮助你确定你感兴趣的职业道路和实现它们的策略. With a better understanding of the working world, 你可以更容易地设想如何才能最好地融入那个世界. 职业顾问提供了这些资源来帮助你进行探索.

Career Conversations

开始探索职业道路的最好方法之一是与你感兴趣的领域的专业人士交谈. You can learn more about a career and how to get there, ask about their work, 专业和职业发展道路以及职位所需的技能. 职业顾问提供了这些在线资源来帮助你开始.

Networking is about building relationships and community. 它包括与有相似职业兴趣的人分享你的故事和目标. 你的人际关系网可以为你指出职业机会,提供建议和支持. 

我们知道,与年龄较大或工作时间较长的新人交往可能会令人生畏. 职业顾问和协调员可以帮助你轻松地发展你的职业社区. These resources can help you get started.

Career Communities to Join

  • Handshake -这个足彩外围网站的工作平台可以让你与你的同龄人建立职业联系, students around the country, and employers seeking to connect with Golden Eagles.
  • Alumni Mentoring Program -加州州立大学洛杉矶校友会为学生和应届毕业生提供一次性和传统的指导.
  • LinkedIn Career Center Group - LinkedIn上的群组会员为有相似兴趣的专业人士提供了一个分享他们的见解和经验的地方, ask for guidance and build professional connections. Join the Career Center group to get started.

Additional Tips

组织提供机会帮助你探索职业道路, 培养你的职业技能,获得在毕业后开始你的职业生涯所需的专业经验. The experiences below can be included in your résumé.

  • Volunteerism 把你的时间奉献给一个组织是展示你的工作质量的有效方式. If you volunteer in your academic discipline of interest, 你也可以通过积累经验来确定工作环境是否最适合你. The Center for Engagement, Service and the Public Good provides volunteer opportunities.
  • Externships & Job Shadowing -这些经历提供了一个观察工作场所的机会, 参加会议,与员工进行职业对话. Schedule an appointment with career advisors to find an externship or job shadowing opportunity. 
  • Student Jobs on Campus -这些经历使你获得专业技能,并可能为你的学科提供经验. Explore the opportunities on Cal State LA Handshake.
  • Internships -这些经历可以让你直接将在课堂上学到的知识应用到工作环境中. Explore the opportunities on Cal State LA Handshake.
  • Part-time & Full-time Jobs 雇主渴望雇佣金鹰,他们提供的机会通常不需要任何经验. Explore the opportunities on Cal State LA Handshake.

简历和求职信是你的个人营销材料. They not only show that you’re qualified for a job, 它们还能让雇主知道你是谁,以及你将如何为他们的公司做出贡献. 一个好的面试可以帮助你在选择过程中更进一步.  Use our resources to prepare:

我们的体验式学习协调员致力于使与雇主的联系更容易和有效. 这里有一些方法可以帮助你联系那些想要雇佣金鹰的雇主.
Cal State LA Handshake – With Handshake, you can apply for internships and jobs, register for our employer events and connect with over 20,000 employers who seek to hire Golden Eagles. Watch this video on how to search for jobs on Handshake.
Employer Events -就业中心与雇主建立有意义的合作伙伴关系,为学生和应届毕业生提供体验式学习机会和就业途径. Below are the types of events we coordinate. Upcoming events are listed on Cal State LA Handshake.
  • Information Sessions -参加这些雇主陈述,以进行职业探索和决策. Learn about the organization’s mission, values and work culture; what it’s like to work there; which career pathways are available within the organization; how to have career conversations with staff; and how to successfully apply.
  • On-Campus Interviews -申请职位并获得面试机会.
  • Career Fairs -校园招聘会每年举办两次,通常在9月和3月. 

Connect for Career Support

职业顾问和协调者可以帮助你进行自我和职业探索, career planning, internships, career networking, résumé and interview skills, and employment searches. We offer group and individual appointments.

Connect with Career Advisors